martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

The riddles of gollum and bilbo

Anglo-saxon riddles

The Anglo-Saxons loved riddles. They told each other riddles as well as listening to poems at their feasts. Some of the riddles were written down, so we are able to read them today.

Some Anglo-Saxon riddles have survived as playground rhymes. This one comes from Tiptree in Essex. It may be over a thousand years old, and has been kept alive by children learning it from one another and repeating it in the playground.
Four dilly-dandies (teats on the udder) 
Four stick standies (legs) 
Two crookers (horns) 
Two lookers (eyes) 
And a wig wag (tail)

The answer is a --------------------------

Have a look at this segment of The Hobbit where you can see Bilbo and Gollum telling each other riddles 

Here are some more riddles for you to solve.
When I am alive I do not speak.
Anyone who wants to takes me captive and cuts off my head.
They bite my bare body
I do no harm to anyone unless they cut me first.
Then I soon make them cry.
This one is about a creature and its home. Can you guess what it is?
My home is not quiet but I am not loud.
The lord has meant us to journey together.
I am faster than he and sometimes stronger,
But he keeps on going for longer.
Sometimes I rest but he runs on.
For as long as I am alive I live in him.
If we part from one another
It is I who will die.
Answer: -----------------------.
Can you guess this next one? There are lots of these in the story of Beowulf.
I am all on my own,
Wounded by iron weapons and scarred by swords.
I often see battle.
I am tired of fighting.
I do not expect to be allowed to retire from warfare
Before I am completely done for.
At the wall of the city, I am knocked about
And bitten again and again.
Hard edged things made by the blacksmith's hammer attack me.
Each time I wait for something worse.
I have never been able to find a doctor who could make me better
Or give me medicine made from herbs.
Instead the sword gashes all over me grow bigger day and night.
Answer: ----------------------------.
This last one is about a type of bird. What do you think it is?
I was abandoned by my mother and father.
I wasn't yet breathing.
A kind woman covered me with clothes,
Kept me and looked after me,
Cuddled me as close as if I had been her own child.
Under that covering I grew and grew.
I was unkind to my adopted brothers and sisters.
This lovely woman fed me
Until I was big enough to set out on my own.
She had fewer of her own dear sons and daughters because she did so.

Answer: --------------------------.

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016

The Vikings: Myth vs. Fact - Anglophenia Ep 40

Watch this wonderful and claryfying  video about the Vikings and do the following exercises:

1.- Mark the following sentences as True or False:
- The Viking invasions occurred between 1800 and 1150 AD.
- Over 2,000 people left Scandinavia then.
-They made London their capital.
- Alfred the Great  used secret war tactics to beat the Vikings.
- Alfred stole food from the Vikings.
- After the war a treaty was signed.
-The Vikings were in all class of weapons and helmet with horns.
- They preferred to fight on foot.
- They were extremely brutal.
- The Vikings didn't look after their hygiene so much.
- Wealthy Viking women had the right to  request divorce.
- The Vikings didn't influence the English language.
- Odin possessed a magic belt.
- Freya was male.
-There are no Vikings nowadays.

2.- Watch the video again and answer the following questions.
- Why did the Vikings leave their homeland?
- How did Alfred the Great  manage to beat the Vikings?
- What was arranged when the treaty was signed?
- What was captured king Edmund used for?
-What happened to the archibishop of Canterbury?
- What is the "blood eagle"?
- How do we know the Vikings looked after their appearance?
- Why did the Viking women have more freedom than other women of their time?
-  Why would they change the names of the places they settled in?
- What was Odin associated with?

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

TOTAL RECALL - Official Trailer - or We can remember it for you wholesale

As you know, the first science fiction story we are going to read was written by Philip K. Dick; the film Total Recall  is based on it. Here you have the trailer; in it,  you  can see  some of the new vocablary the author invented while writing it, ( foot runnel, traffic runnels,sneaky-pete guns ,...)